This shallow soda lake located to the east of Ngorongoro Conservation area and to the southwest of Lake Manyara is home to one of the most fascinating culture tours – a visit to the Hadzabe and Datooga tribes. The Datooga are pastoralists’ who have also turned to some agriculture. They are a very isolated tribe, resisting outside influence and education. Only 5% speak Swahili and their literacy rate is at 1%. They are skilled craftsmen and are experts at melting scrap metal and molding arrowheads and knives which they trade with the Hadzabe tribe. Outside of this interaction, they are not a friendly tribe towards outsiders typically but will welcome your visit with a local guide. In the past young Datooga warriors would improve their status by killing any outsider. Fortunately, this no longer is the case. They are a shy tribe but, when escorted by a local guide, welcome visitors.

The Hadzabe (Hazda) are one of the last true hunter-gatherer tribes left in the world. They love their lifestyle and have completely rejected the government’s attempts to assimilate them into modern society. Free houses and schools were left abandoned as they quickly returned to their traditional ways. They are very opportunistic, hunting anything with bow and arrow from mice to giraffe, with baboon being their favored prey. For large prey, they use poison-tipped arrows. Their dwellings are very primitive and temporary to the extent that if a large animal such as a giraffe is killed, they will move to the kill site rather than bring the animal to their camp. Since their huts of sticks, mud and leaves can be built in a few hours. They are experts at gathering wild honey and foraging for edible roots and berries. You can accompany them on a hunt, learn how to make fire without matches, compare your archery skills and join them in dance. They are a very friendly tribe.

Safari Tanzania

The surrounding area is a very harsh environment with onion farming being the mainstay. We can arrange a visit to one of the small farms for an insight into the local life of the inhabitants.

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